Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
This ad by Grey for TAC (Transportation Accident Control) in Victoria will shred you apart. It's comprised entirely of clips of people showing a photograph of a family member lost in a speeding accident. These are children, teenagers and young adults. The clips also pan to show the home, front yard, bedroom, etc. where the accident victim would've spent time. Worst of all it shows the faces of the parents and brothers and sisters who are so pained - some are expressionless while others look mad, and some look like their heart had been pulled from their chest - similar to the expression I had on my face after watching this. The tag line is best: "This is why you're photographed when you speed." - the most convicting line I've heard.
Grey may have a boring reputation, but their documentary-like cinematography in this piece was wonderful. And the choice to pick families and homes of the middle to low class is worth noting. It's as if these families have little to begin with, and then take their child or sibling and they're left with nothing. The tone would've changed significantly if a different, more affluent, selection of demographics was chosen.
This commercial for Zyrtec by JWT Sydney can arguably compete with Wieden & Kennedy's phenomenal animations like the Honda "Hate Something" ad. The difference is that most of W&K's ads are substantial enough to carry the entire plot while this one above exists for the setting only. It does provide an experience that anyone suffering from alergies can relate with - pollen, blooms, insects, Spring atmosphere.
Intererstingly, JWT in Sydney has another animated ad for a candy company similar to gummy worms. The ad is set in a downtown city where a ten story girl puppet emerges and begins blowing bubbles from a large bag of the advertised candy. The candy floats above the crowd below and then pops to tranform into the chewy worms that fall then fall onto the crowd.
- - the ad described above And the Zyrtec ad are almost copies of the work W&K has done for Honda ("Hate Something") and the Coca-Cola ad using Macy's Day Parade.
The above ad for Louis Vuitton by Olgivy and Mather tells a narrative without words using video clips only from shots in what looks like East and Southeast Asia as well as Paris. The story is not clear, but provides a nostalgic collection of visual material and subjects that reminds me of Isak Dennisen and Out of Africa. This lengthy film does have drama, as characters leave, say goodbye, and cry, but the reasons are not clear. And this is most likely intentional. The purpose is to provide beautiful and exotic cinamatography that prompts the question, "where will life take you?"
This video clip pairs lovely with the print material in this campaign. I saw some recently in Architectural Digest and it too has a smokey atmosphere, is set somewhere in let's say the foothills of Mongolia, and shows the legs of a "well-heeled" lady walking aside a vintage train car stopped on the tracks. She, of course, carries a Louis Vuitton bag.
Art direction is fabulous. The pairing of a timeless (so it seems today) bag with such history and culture in foreign places is appropriate for the target market that has a romantic notion for what it means to travel and "experience." These consumers want drama and passion and movie-worthy experiences without the cost of roughing up those $1300 heels. Coach has done a similar move in recent campaigns with motifs of exotic travel, trains, smoke - nostalgia at its highest. Almost Ernest Hemingway. And on that note, Hemingway gone Ethan Allen.
Also worth noting is that the bag and labels are rarely shown until the end when a short clip manages to fit in the classic pattern. The bag sells itself and Ogilvy clearly knows this. Better to create possible experiences the consumer dreams of having with the bag.
While this Suzuki Kizashi (awesome car name) ad by Siltanen and Partners, USA, doesn't make the list, I couldn't overlook it for the menacing snowmen. When I illustrated work for John Deere last semester, I found that making an inanimate object not only animate, but have personality and expression was very difficult. Siltanen did a pretty good job to create the snowmen and then place them in a story that had a reasonable amount of action/tension/climax for a short commercial spot. They were not as believable as I would've liked, and seemed a bit incongruous with the snowy landscape - as if they were Too animated. But to reach the concept, their placement was perfect. Personifying the weather has been done in reference to Poseidon and Zeus, but it's very creative to have the weather contribute in this way. Snowmen are easy for people to realate with and seeing them attack was entertaining for the purposes of the ad.