This commercial for Zyrtec by JWT Sydney can arguably compete with Wieden & Kennedy's phenomenal animations like the Honda "Hate Something" ad. The difference is that most of W&K's ads are substantial enough to carry the entire plot while this one above exists for the setting only. It does provide an experience that anyone suffering from alergies can relate with - pollen, blooms, insects, Spring atmosphere.
Intererstingly, JWT in Sydney has another animated ad for a candy company similar to gummy worms. The ad is set in a downtown city where a ten story girl puppet emerges and begins blowing bubbles from a large bag of the advertised candy. The candy floats above the crowd below and then pops to tranform into the chewy worms that fall then fall onto the crowd.
- - the ad described above And the Zyrtec ad are almost copies of the work W&K has done for Honda ("Hate Something") and the Coca-Cola ad using Macy's Day Parade.
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